SGH Activities - December 2014

Presentation of Regional Studies

On December 19, presentations of Regional Studies were given by representatives selected from each class. Their themes were:

-Regional development using an unofficial local mascot "Tamahime-chan"(represented by team 3 of class A)
-Festivals in Noto area in the past and today (represented by team 5 of class B)
-Get people to know more about our region by using smartphone apps filled with information of the region (represented by team 3 of class C)

Five teachers including vice-principal served as judges. The highest award went to team 3 of class C, who won the certificate and the prize from the vice-principal. Three teachers from another SGH school, Kyoto prefectural Sagano high school, praised the students’ works.

Our Regional Studies booklet published

The results of our Regional Studies have been put together into a booklet. Its subtitle is “regional studies on how to bring more happiness to the region and the people, by Kanazawa University Senior High School, SGH project in 2014”. The booklet contains the Powerpoint slides used in the presentation, and the explanations made in the presentation, turning out to be voluminous, 264 pages long. It is to be distributed to other high schools in the prefecture, to other SGH schools, and to our associate schools. It will also be given out to cooperators of the study, such as interviewees, and to teachers who delivered lectures for the regional study subject.